The ASP presents the Service for Internalisation and Healthcare Research
Two days of training and information aimed at the Heads of Departments and Complex Structures
Ragusa, 19 October 2021 – The Company System for Internationalization and Healthcare Research – SIRS -, on the recommendation of the Strategic Management, met – for two days of information and training – the Heads of Departments and Complex Structures of the ASP to define the corporate network of collaboration between services and SIRS. In fact, from now on, the permanent SIRS and Services communication line is open. With this activity, an important cycle for SIRS closes which sees: dedicated infrastructures, specialized personnel, already acquired, a website in English – an open window on Europe and the world -, with young personnel, identified in the workforce, trained and distributed in the corporate Structures; the preparation of project proposals already sent for consideration by the European Commission for possible Community funding, and others currently in the planning stage.
The Ragusa Health Authority, in compliance with the regional indications on the internationalization process of the Sicilian Provincial Health Authorities, immediately took action to set up the Service for Internationalization and Health Research – and, in recent years, has been carrying out various activities aimed at to set up a real corporate system that brings the ASP and its services to Europe.
Working for and with Europe means taking advantage of up-to-date good practices that contribute to improving the efficiency of healthcare facilities and consequently improving the health of our citizens. After all, bringing the experience of our ASP and its experiences of excellence to Europe opens up new horizons for our company staff who are motivated and grow through discussions with colleagues from other EU countries.
The high-speed train from Ragusa is running, next stop: Brussels.